The new ODMB432 is designed to promote easier detector distribution along the right-of-way while preserving the plug-in capability of the DCCOD. The card provides four detector slots with one set of power screw terminals, three detector slots with one set of power terminals and two detector slots with one set of power terminals. However, the whole card is scored to be easily separable and then recombined into any desired combination on slots per power screw set including the option of adding in sections cut from the “standard” ODMB.
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Note: The quoted prices for all circuit boards provided by JLC Enterprises are for the fabricated boards only, that is, without any electronic parts. All circuit boards come unassembled and less components. All holes are drilled and all circuit traces are tin plated for easy soldering. Where double-sided boards are provided, all feed through holes are plated-through. The SMINI, SUSIC, RS485, DIN32, DOUT32 and PGCC boards have solder masking on both sides, silk screen legend on component side and are factory tested against shorts and open circuits.